The SOE Report acknowledges that the Shire of Broome is responsible for the natural environment and the sustainable use of resources for land or activities directly under its control.
This includes both strategic and operational activities that address planning and management responsibilities.
The State of Environment Report identifies six themes that require management and strategic and operational responses. Responses identified in the SEO report and subsequently incorporated into the WALGA Climate Change Declaration are highlighted below:
The WA Local Government Association (WALGA) is working for Local Government in Western Australia. As the peak industry body, WALGA advocates on behalf of 138 WA Local Governments and negotiates service agreements for the sector. WALGA is not a government department or agency.
• Theme - Land Management Response - Implement Bushfire Management plans for Shire Managed reserves.
• Theme - Biodiversity Response - Continue and expand the propagation and use of native plants in the Shire’s landscaping activities.
• Theme - Water Response - Ensure future development and subdivisions incorporate best practice Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD).
• Theme - Coasts Response - Undertake staged implementation of the adaptation and mitigation strategies to reduce the risk of coastal hazards in vulnerable areas of the Broome townsite.
• Theme - Energy Response - Continue to include fuel efficiency as an important consideration in the Shire’s vehicle and plant procurement policies. Response - Prepare and promote energy efficiency through the local planning framework through best practice design of parks and streetscapes, covered or shaded footpaths, dual use paths and car parks and energy efficient outdoor lighting.
• Theme - Waste Management Response - Continue the process of design and location for a suitable Resource Recovery Facility to meet Broome’s household and other solid waste needs into the future. It is broadly accepted by the scientific community and policy makers that climate change is occurring and greenhouse gas emissions from human activities are the dominant cause. The North of Western Australian and more specifically the Shire of Broome has been found at higher risk from the impacts of climate change. More specifically for the North-west of Western Australia, the following impacts are forecast by the CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology:
• Average temperatures will continue to increase in all seasons (very high confidence).
• More hot days and warm spells are projected (very high confidence). • Changes to rainfall are possible but unclear.
• Increased intensity of extreme rainfall events is projected (high confidence). Agenda – Ordinary Meeting of Council 29 October 2020 Page 25 of 177 • Mean sea level will continue to rise and height of extreme sea-level events will also increase (very high confidence).
• With medium confidence, fewer but more intense tropical cyclones are projected. The Shire of Broome has been proactive and implemented a significant number of initiatives to reduce its carbon emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change.
Signing the WALGA Climate Change Declaration would:
• Continue to demonstrate Council’s acknowledgment of the impacts of climate change and commitment to developing locally appropriate mitigation and adaptation strategies to manage climate change; and
• Further support WALGA to advocate for the appropriate funding and development of legislative mechanisms to support local government climate change mitigation and adaptation work.
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