1. Oil Shale (not known to be found in the Canning Basin or the wider Kimberley).
Oil shale in the US for example is where they put furnaces
into the earth to speed up the process of 'kerogen' becoming oil.
Kerogen is solid, insoluble organic matter in sedimentary rocks. Consisting of an estimated 1016 tons of carbon, it is the most abundant source of organic compounds on earth, exceeding the total organic content of living matter 10,000-fold. Upon heating, kerogen converts in part to liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons. Petroleum and natural gas form from kerogen.
Oil shale is the dirtiest process of all.
2. Unconventional shale oil
The sedimentary layers in the Kimberley like the 'Goldwyer formation' where Theia Energy are positioned, the 'kerogin' has already been through the process to become oil.
At the Theia site the minute droplets of oil which are tiny droplets like a pin prick on a hair are already oil not 'kerogen' and locked within the shale. With shale having low porosity and permeability (porosity being the tiny spaces whilst the permeability is the ability for it to flow so fracking is required to open those fractures and allow that flow.
3. Conventional crude e.g. Buru
Energy are extracting at Ungani.
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