Sunday, 7 November 2021

7th Oct 2021 - What causes Methane emissions

 Methane (CH4): Methane is emitted during the production and transport of coal, natural gas, and oil. Methane emissions also result from livestock and other agricultural practices, land use and by the decay of organic waste in municipal solid waste landfills.

Tuesday, 2 November 2021

3rd Nov 2021 - Australia refuses to join global pledge led by US and EU to cut methane emissions


Key points:

3rd Nov 2021 - Calls from all directions for Australia to do more to cut its greenhouse gas emissions.

Australia has now agreed to a target of net zero by 2050, finally joining all our major trading partners and more than 80 other countries.

However, with a near-term commitment to cut emissions by just 26 per cent below 2005 levels by 2030, Australia's ambition is considered insufficient by almost any measure.

Labor is calling for stronger 2030 targets, although the opposition won't say what those targets should be until after the Glasgow conference.

Others have been clearer. The Business Council of Australia has backflipped on earlier calls to go slow on climate action and is now calling for a 46-per-cent cut by 2030.

Some in the government have called for stronger targets too. Liberal MP Dave Sharma, for example, suggested a 2035 target of at least 40 per cent, which pulls off the neat trick of implying that the government needs to exceed its 2030 target without explicitly repudiating it.


Monday, 1 November 2021

Nov 1st 2021 - Former UN climate chief slams Australia over climate goals


COP26: Former UN climate chief slams Australia over climate goals as world leaders meet for climate summit

Australia has been smashed with criticism, labelled “completely irresponsible” as the nation’s reputation repeatedly cops it in global headlines.

Australia has been labelled “completely irresponsible” and called out for digging “dark holes of poison for itself” as global leaders meet for critical climate talks.

The G20 summit in Rome finished without many concrete commitments on emissions reduction. Now Prime Minister Scott Morrison faces the COP26 United Nations climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson welcomed more than 120 world leaders to historic climate talks in Scotland on Monday with the stark warning: “It’s one minute to midnight, and we need to act now.”

He will use the opportunity to warn leaders in a speech tha

t concludes that “the world is at one minute to midnight and the world needs to act now”, while primarily focusing on “coal, cars, cash and trees”.

The G20 members including China, India and Western nations collectively emit nearly 80 per cent of global carbon emissions, but campaigners’ hopes for more decisive action heading in to COP26 were dashed.


2020 Fracking Facts