Kimberley Calling - A Frack Free Kimberley Concert
Traditional Owners and environment groups are putting on a concert for a Frack Free Kimberley this weekend at the Cable Beach Amphitheatre, Broome.
The main message coming out of the concert is that the Kimberley is too precious to frack and Premier McGowan is being asked to apply the same standards to the Kimberley as he has set for the south west, Peel and Perth Metropolitan areas and the Dampier Peninsula where the industry is banned.
The concert features Kimberley bands and musicians including international blues singer Olive Knight, For Sure, Wil Thomas with Mama Kin, Albert Gray, Tanya Ransom, Paul Boon and Elwood Gray, Clifton Girgiba, The Mexicans with Chicca and John Butler with a 'special guest'.
"Our Country is our life, we have a cultural responsibility to look after it. We are totally opposed to fracking, we don't want to see Country destroyed by this polluting industry," said Nuria Jadai, Mangala - Martu Traditional Owner.
"We don’t want fracking on our Country, we want to make sure it’s healthy for future generations. We voted against fracking in 2014, its time the Premier banned this industry,” said Micklo Corpus, Yawuru Traditional Owner.
"It's an honour to have been invited up to Broome to support the community in the struggle for Kimberley Calling - A Frack Free Kimberley Concert
Traditional Owners and environment groups are putting on a concert for a Frack Free Kimberley this weekend at the Cable Beach Amphitheatre, Broome.
The main message coming out of the concert is that the Kimberley is too precious to frack and Premier McGowan is being asked to apply the same standards to the Kimberley as he has set for the south west, Peel and Perth Metropolitan areas and the Dampier Peninsula where the industry is banned.
The concert features Kimberley bands and musicians including international blues singer Olive Knight, For Sure, Wil Thomas with Mama Kin, Albert Gray, Tanya Ransom, Paul Boon and Elwood Gray, Clifton Girgiba, The Mexicans with Chicca and John Butler with a 'special guest'.
"Our Country is our life, we have a cultural responsibility to look after it. We are totally opposed to fracking, we don't want to see Country destroyed by this polluting industry," said Nuria Jadai, Mangala - Martu Traditional Owner.
"We don’t want fracking on our Country, we want to make sure it’s healthy for future generations. We voted against fracking in 2014, its time the Premier banned this industry,” said Micklo Corpus, Yawuru Traditional Owner.
"It's an honour to have been invited up to Broome to support the community in the struggle for a Frack Free Kimberley. This region is way too precious to be sacrificed to industrialisation and fracking and it really doesn't make sense when we know renewables can supply the energy we need. Everyone knows fossil fuels will cook the planet, let's keep the Kimberley frack free like the south west and Perth." said John Butler.
"This is about everyone coming together to send a message that the Kimberley is too precious to frack. The WA government has banned fracking in the south west, Peel and Perth Metropolitan areas and Dampier Peninsula, so if it's not safe there why is the rest of the Kimberley being sacrificed to this polluting industry?" said Martin Pritchard, Director, Environs Kimberley.
“People from all over the Country are concerned about the Kimberley being opened up to fracking. We know when the community gets together this polluting industry can be stopped, this is the beginning of a national push to protect the Kimberley from fracking,” said Claire Mckinnon from Lock the Gate.
Concert details -
* Bus available from town and back
* Starts 5pm till 10pm
* Covid safe
* Food stalls
* BYO drinks (alcohol free)
Photo: Damian Kelly
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